JMTC Trademark Protection is a Dutch trademark IP company located in the centre of the Netherlands, started by Joep Mens early 2005. After finishing his Law Studies at Utrecht University in 1993 Joep Mens joined Novagraaf in Amsterdam in 1994 (formerly known as Markgraaf) where he practised for more than 10 years until October 2004. JMTC Trademark Protection is specialised in the prosecution of trademarks in Europe.
To make sure to have trademarks well protected in Europe you can therefore consider JMTC as your ‘European hub’ for trademarkmatters. JMTC is an allround trademark boutique firm that handles trademark matters for national clients, foreign clients and associates worldwide. |
Joep Mens has many years of worldwide experience in the field of clearing trademarks, prosecution of trademarks, trademark counseling, finding strategies for international trademark conflicts and negotiation of coexistence agreements. He has supervised trademark portfolios of International companies such as Rabobank, Schiphol Airport, CSM N.V., Purac Biochem, Australian Homemade and Pearle Opticians. Since the introduction of the European Trademark (EU Mark) in 1996 Joep Mens handled numerous EU-opposition cases and other matters for foreign associates and local clients.
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden. |